Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Shopping Update

Quite a bit of shopping for me over Friday and Saturday.

Ice Melt - $3.59 (not out of my budget)
Glade candle - $1.59 (used $2.50 coupon, netted free)

OOP = $3.07 - none out of my budget

2 bags Doritos ($2 sale, no coupons)
3 pkgs Kotex ($2.79 sale, $2 Target coupon, $1 mfr coupon)

OOP = $3.43 (out of budget)

1 party peanuts ($2 sale)
2 Kid Cuisines ($2.19 ea!! special treat for the kids)

Paid with $5 catalina
OOP = $1.44 (out of budget)

4 Nabisco Ritz minis ($1 sale, $1 coupon)
1 Nutter Butter bites ($1 sale, $1 coupon)
3 Chicken nuggets ($1 sale, no coupon)
1 Chiquita Bites ($1 sale, $1 coupon)
1 Freeman foot cream ($3.79, FREE coupon)

OOP = $3.39 (out of budget)

Meijer (did multiple transactions b/c my store only doubles 2 of the same coupon per transaction)
1 pint blueberries ($1 sale)
1 pint blackberries ($1 sale)
24 Heinz jarred baby food (3/$0.99 sale, $1/8 coupons)
4 Betty Crocker muffin pouch ($0.81 sale, $0.40 cpn doubled)
1 Betty Crocker muffin box ($1 sale, $1 cpn)
17 Chex Mix ($1 sale, multiple coupon values)
2 Hormel Pepperoni ($1 sale, $0.55 coupon)
1 Dole salad ($1 sale)
3 Betty Crocker frosting ($1.34 sale, $0.40 cpn doubled)
2 - 1/2 lb ground beef ($1.09 & $1.13, used $1 cpns)
2 Hamburger Helper ($1 sale, $0.75/2 coupon)
6 Betty crocker brownie/cake mix ($1 sale, $1 winetags)
6 Betty Crocker Warm delights ($1 sale, $0.50 cpn doubled)
2 Bisquick ($1.99 sale, $1 coupons)
2 Betty Crocker potatoes ($1 sale, $0.40 cpn doubled)
2 Grands biscuits ($1 sale, $0.40 cpn doubled)
2 - 2 Ltr 7up ($1 sale, $0.50 cpn doubled)

OOP = $15.57 (out of budget)
Also earned 140 Bonus Box Tops for my son's school. I should have received 140 more, but there was a problem with the catalina machine. I should receive a call from catalina tomorrow and they should be sending me the other 140 Bonus Box Tops. That will be a total of 280 box tops, which will make my school $28!!

So total over the last couple days I spent $20.44 out of my budget.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Awesome Job, Jenn! And, that'll make the school really happy!!